With the excitement and sense of urgency and momentum of a new project, the natural tendency is to dive right in.  Your enthusiasm and imagination will be essential to meeting project objectives, but they are not enough alone.  Successful projects require effective management.  BTT Project Management Services can help you.

Characteristics of Successful Projects

In the funding application process, you clearly defined the objectives of your project, sought partnerships with organizations with similar objectives and developed a detailed action plan for your project.  In doing so, you laid the foundations for success.  Consider the following traits that characterise successful projects:

  1. Clear objectives – The most successful projects have clearly defined objectives from the outset.
  2. A good project plan – A carefully thought-out plan serves two purposes. First, it allows everyone involved to understand and perform their part in the project. It shows who is responsible for what and estimates how much money, people, equipment and time will be required to complete the project. Second, it serves as a monitoring tool, allowing you to take early action if things go wrong.
  3. Communication, communication, communication – Your project is a collaborative effort between all of the individuals and organizations involved. You all need to work together to maintain effective and continual communication between the parties.
  4. A controlled scope – Numerous issues will come up throughout your project, and not all of them will contribute to your overall objectives. It is important to stay focused on your priorities, with little wasted time or attention.

How many of these characteristics does your project have? How can we help you improve these metrics?



Project Management